Saturday, October 31, 2009


Hmm... well day 2 has some leftover feeling of day 1...

i can feel the soreness in the thigh muscles... ate a lot during the day in office, a colleague got a delicious, mouth watering cake... had 3-4 helpings. :o)
ate very late in the night... after having a couple of whisky drinks... not good.
got up super late - 9.30 AM
didnt breakfast... had lunch

and till now no exercise. Tch Tch!!! after lunch feeling very full to do the push ups etc... thinking of doing it later.

Well this is a trap that many people, who are starting/ re-starting to exercise, fall in. I have also been a victim many... no countless times.

but this time it's different. everything is being logged... Blogged. ;o)

The next blog will carry either a way to get out of this trap or otherwise...

Friday, October 30, 2009


Well... i overslept the alarm by 2 hrs...
Got up just in time to get ready and leave for office.

But did manage a miniscule exercise set in between the rush:
Squats - 25
Push ups - 15

Pathetic shape!!! need to turn this around... SET target of 50 each in one set... lets see how much time that takes...

one point to note here is that i am a true blue FOODIE... so in this journey to get fit food habits will remain the same.
after resolving to get fit i got home and had two whisky drinks (1 large and 1 small); a bowl full of rice, lentils and vegetables; one chocolate pastry along with a traditional Indian sweet - chhaina murghi.

For breakfast: 8-10 almonds, two cheese toasts and glass full of orange juice.

measured my waist in the morning---39 inches
Chest---46 inches

Target waist---32 inches. wow pretty tough targets have to really work my arse off. :o(
And a very bad time to start... with autumn setting in getting up early is really really hard. Case in point today's alarm overshot.

Have a couple of parties lined up for the coming weekend and the next. will have to figure out how to counter those.
that's all for this post.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pop goes the button

The tipping point has been crossed... my trouser button popped out today. Although i haven't weighed myself but i think i have crossed 100 KG.
Well the first time i crossed 100 KG was about a decade ago and managed to come down to a fit 75 KG.

I have decided to log my daily activity to get back in shape...

I think this blog will also be utilized... instead of just lying idle...

Cheers to a new beginning... the rest of the dope in tomorrow's blog.