Wednesday, November 11, 2009

DAY 13

Good tidings continue... 25 push-ups and 50 squats in two sets (still a paltry sum by any standards).

Let's hope the streak continues. I can already feel my posture straightening. This is the most amazing part of exercising you tend to feel on top of the world. Getting the posture right also encourages one to continue with the exercise regime.

Along with the timed exercise one must try to incorporate activity in the normal day. Like taking stairs for example is the simplest. Idea's walk and talk idea is another example.

The idea here is to constantly challenge your body. The dynamic nature of our body very quickly adapts to the circumstances we put it into. The trick is to trick your body out of complacency. We will touch on this in detail when we gradually increase the exercise routine.

I haven't touched upon the food bit up till now. Well i have put no restriction on the food and drink department. A couple of drinks have been a regular feature since DAY 1. If I stop at once I wouldn't make it... the advanced exercise regimen that is to come will automatically weed out the habits that impede the path to stay fit.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

DAY 12

Good tidings are here... the party weekend went off well and the morning exercise have resumed...
Another wedding this Friday, my god this is the worst time to start off an exercise program.

But no worries there will be plenty of things to learn even from these misadventures. Even the last two days the morning ex count: 25 push ups; 25 squats.

AMZINGLY PATHETIC... but hey! have to gradually increase the effort, cos i am not getting any younger.

Today i have set another goal for myself... this is in addition to 50 pushups and squats... Run the delhi half marathon next year.

Mos probably this will be hosted on 31 OCT 2010... I think turning 30 after running a half marathon is a sort of a statement.

Well now we have a short term goal and a long term goal... this is the important thing that both these goals have to be complimentary and aligned.
The next point to focus on is to get over the obstacles that keep cropping up. Most of these obstacles are just in our minds, we need to gradually build resistance to such obstacles and overcome them.

But even after incorporating discipline there are some social obligations that we can't get out of... well don't if you are putting in earnest effort you can afford it. But all this depends on your goals.

Thursday, November 05, 2009


Well, the pitfalls of starting/ changing fitness plans just before ones b'day... you tend to bypass the goals set...

HAPPY B'DAY to me 2!

well here i am picking up the pieces of a failed attempt. There is a great learning for everyone here that the first month at least is the most critical and requires most effort from the person trying to be fit.

Most of the wickets fall in the first couple of weeks.

Get a load of this... i have a party weekend planned for the coming weekend (i.e. starting tomorrow). So there go my plans to pick up the pieces strewn about... I can only hope that i re-start on Sunday. But only time will tell this story.

Hoping to get back on track. will keep sharing my learnings with you... at least you (if there are any readers that is) will unlearn a lot of stuff. :o)